
學習資訊科學的歷程歷經波折,參與過學院式教育、基於興趣的買書自學,也曾以 OCW 的方式進行學習,最後是無數個夜晚在溪畔壩旁的辦公室,感受到一次次解決問題的喜悅,確認志業在此 💘

寫部落格的目的很簡單,在參與資訊科技的進展過程,達成每年規劃的學習目標,並利用筆記強化學習的成果,同時也易於工作中的檢索 👨‍💻

目前的工作主要是為了解決各種 IT 疑難雜症,包含伺服器、資料庫的管理以及應用系統的維護 🛠️

純粹的開發反而更多時間是基於自己的興趣,而 Web 是學習一路以來最有興趣的領域,也因此開發筆記學習主要是 Web 相關的技術,並輔各式 IT 疑難雜症的處理心得,總之內容就是圍繞在紀錄過程中的學習與解決問題的快樂 (arbejdsglæde) 😉

部落格中的文章是基於工作與興趣所做的研究、整理與測試,如果有不當引用或者內容錯誤的話,歡迎各位不吝指正 🙏

聯絡方式 Contacts: webber@sdwh.dev

The website sdwh.dev, also known as “The Skeptical Software Engineer,” appears to be a technical blog focused on various aspects of software development and related technologies. It covers a wide range of topics, including:

Generative AI: The site discusses the practical applications of generative AI and provides a collection of generative AI tools. This shows an interest in the emerging field of AI and its implications in software development​​.

SQL Server: There are posts detailing the installation process and planning for SQL Server, as well as guides on SQL Server database migration. This suggests a focus on database management and related operations​​​​.

IIS Installation on Windows Server: The site also includes instructions for installing IIS (Internet Information Services) on Windows Server, indicating a breadth of topics covered that are relevant to web server management and configuration​​.

Python Programming: The blog features posts on Python programming, such as setting Python encoding in Windows environments and using Python for various tasks, like compiling a contrast table of Chinese characters and Pinyin​​​​.

Other Categories: The website categorizes its content into various sections, including Cloud, CyberSecurity, Database, Dev, Docker, IIS, Learning Notes, LifeHack, Linux, Microsoft, Networking, OS (Operating Systems), Office, PowerBI, Resources, Troubleshooting, and more. This wide array of categories indicates a comprehensive coverage of technology and software development topics​​.

From these details, it’s clear that sdwh.dev is a resource-rich site for individuals interested in software engineering, with a particular emphasis on database management, programming, AI, and server configuration. The site seems to cater to both beginners and advanced users in the field of software development and IT 😀